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Старый 07.11.2006, 10:32   #1  
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AX UK: Rapid Configuration Tool for Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0

The Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 version of the Rapid Configuration Tool is now available. This version of the tool builds on the previous two versions and works with the latest release of Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0.
What is the Rapid Configuration Tool?
The Rapid Configuration Tool (RCT) for Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 is a tool that supports both partners and customers in the implementation and configuration process by providing and linking project management features, easier configuration access, communication support and documentation on how to configure Microsoft Dynamics AX. The Rapid Configuration Tool consists of functionality implemented as a module within Microsoft Dynamics AX.
Click here for more information.

Posted by Shailan Chudasama


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