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Старый 01.03.2008, 05:37   #1  
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gatesasbait: Argh! I'm working on 4 different versions of Ax at the same time!

Another one of those pointless posts...
I've just realized that for various reasons, I'm working on 4 different major versions of Ax at the same time:
-I'm part of one team who is migrating one customer's production environment from Axapta 2.5, to Axapta 3.0 to Dynamics Ax 4.0 (Go-Live is a few weeks away),
-And I'm part of another team who is migrating another customer's ISV module from Dynamics Ax 4.0 to Dynamics Ax 2009.
It's been this way for months... I'm getting confused. Not really.
I'm sure I've got an old Axapta 2.1 CD lying around here somewhere... !

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