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Ruslan Goncharov: Scrolling in AX 3.0 without dll
Источник: http://rusgon.blogspot.com/2008/03/s...thout-dll.html
============== As is well known in AX 3.0 it's unable to scroll objects (first of all Groups etc.) in the form. This feature is present since AX4 and supported, as far as I know by axScroll.dll. Honestly, I'm not a big worshipper of using side components. On the other hand I've been thinking about how to implement scrolling feature in AX3. About one year ago there was published very interesting project Capturando el WindowProc desde Axapta by Manekaze In this project the author showed a possibility to trap keyboard events using API in AX.So why don't capture the scrollbar events. What we have to do:</br>1. Apply scrollable style for the window which we are going to scroll.</br>2. Trap scroll events in AX.</br>3. Scroll the window according scrollbar positions.</br> Let's go. - Apply scrollable style for the window which we are going to scroll Setting scrollable style for the window is pretty easy: X++: WinApi::showScrollbar(handle, #SB_BOTH, true); X++: // pos pSize min max WinApi::setScrollInfo(handle, 0, 20, 0, 100, true, #SB_HORZ); WinApi::setScrollInfo(handle, 0, 20, 0, 100, true, #SB_VERT); X++: cScrollInfoH = WinApi::getScrollInfo(handle, #SB_HORZ); xOffset = conpeek(cScrollInfoH, #pos); xScroll = conpeek(cScrollInfoH, #maxValue); xSize = conpeek(cScrollInfoH, #pageSize); cScrollInfoV = WinApi::getScrollInfo(handle, #SB_VERT); yOffset = conpeek(cScrollInfoV, #pos); yScroll = conpeek(cScrollInfoV, #maxValue); ySize = conpeek(cScrollInfoV, #pageSize); - Scroll the window according scrollbar positions Here I don't like to reinvent something new and I used standard library, which I've found here with small modificationsAs a matter of fact we need only two methods: int Scroll_SetVert(ScrollInfo_t* pScroll, HWND hWnd, WORD wScrollCmd, WORD wScrollPos) int Scroll_SetHorz(ScrollInfo_t* pScroll, HWND hWnd, WORD wScrollCmd, WORD wScrollPos) X++: int Scroll_SetVert(ScrollInfo_t* pScroll, HWND hWnd, WORD wScrollCmd, WORD wScrollPos) { int nScrollAmt ; switch (wScrollCmd) { case SB_TOP: nScrollAmt = -pScroll->yOffset ; break ; case SB_BOTTOM: nScrollAmt = pScroll->yScroll - pScroll->yOffset ; break ; case SB_PAGEUP: nScrollAmt = -pScroll->ySize ; break ; case SB_PAGEDOWN: nScrollAmt = pScroll->ySize ; break ; case SB_LINEUP: nScrollAmt = -pScroll->yChar ; break ; case SB_LINEDOWN: nScrollAmt = pScroll->yChar ; break ; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: nScrollAmt = wScrollPos - pScroll->yOffset ; break ; default: return ( FALSE ) ; } if ((pScroll->yOffset + nScrollAmt) > pScroll->yScroll) nScrollAmt = pScroll->yScroll - pScroll->yOffset ; if ((pScroll->yOffset + nScrollAmt) < 0) nScrollAmt = -pScroll->yOffset ; ScrollWindow( hWnd, 0, -nScrollAmt, 0, 0 ) ; pScroll->yOffset = pScroll->yOffset + nScrollAmt ; SetScrollPos( hWnd, SB_VERT, pScroll->yOffset, TRUE ) ; return ( TRUE ) ; } // end of Scroll_SetVert() int Scroll_SetHorz(ScrollInfo_t* pScroll, HWND hWnd, WORD wScrollCmd, WORD wScrollPos) { int nScrollAmt ; switch (wScrollCmd) { case SB_TOP: nScrollAmt = -pScroll->xOffset ; break ; case SB_BOTTOM: nScrollAmt = pScroll->xScroll - pScroll->xOffset ; break ; case SB_PAGEUP: nScrollAmt = -pScroll->xSize ; break ; case SB_PAGEDOWN: nScrollAmt = pScroll->xSize ; break ; case SB_LINEUP: nScrollAmt = -pScroll->xChar ; break ; case SB_LINEDOWN: nScrollAmt = pScroll->xChar ; break ; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: nScrollAmt = wScrollPos - pScroll->xOffset ; break ; default: return ( FALSE ) ; } if ((pScroll->xOffset + nScrollAmt) > pScroll->xScroll) nScrollAmt = pScroll->xScroll - pScroll->xOffset ; if ((pScroll->xOffset + nScrollAmt) < 0) nScrollAmt = -pScroll->xOffset ; ScrollWindow( hWnd, -nScrollAmt, 0, 0, 0 ) ; pScroll->xOffset = pScroll->xOffset + nScrollAmt ; SetScrollPos( hWnd, SB_HORZ, pScroll->xOffset, TRUE ) ; return ( TRUE ) ; } // end of Scroll_SetHorz() X++: // Created by GRR client static int scrollWindow(int hwnd, int XAmount, int YAmount) { DLL _winApiDLL = new DLL('USER32'); DLLFunction _scrollWindow = new DLLFunction(_winApiDLL, 'ScrollWindow'); _scrollWindow.returns(ExtTypes::DWord); _scrollWindow.arg(ExtTypes::DWord, ExtTypes::DWord, ExtTypes::DWord, ExtTypes::DWord, ExtTypes::DWord); return _scrollWindow.call(hwnd, XAmount, YAmount, 0,0); } - Trapping scroll eventsI've designed it as a new class xApplyScrolling X++: // Begin of xApplyScrolling class #define.minValue(1) #define.maxValue(2) #define.pageSize(3) #define.pos(4) #define.xChar(5) #define.yChar(5) class xApplyScrolling { #WinApi TrucosAx_TrapperWndProc WndProcHScroll, WndProcVScroll; HWND handle; container cScrollInfoH, cScrollInfoV; int xOffset, yOffset; int xScroll, yScroll; int xSize, ySize; } //In new() method we are installing hooks for WM_HSCROLL and WM_VSCROLL separately void new(FormRun _element, FormControl _formControl)//HWND _HWnd { handle = _formControl.hWnd(); WndProcHScroll = new TrucosAx_TrapperwndProc(_element, handle, true); WndProcHScroll.InstallHook(#WM_HSCROLL, 'scrlMessageH'); WndProcHScroll.setObject(this); WndProcVScroll = new TrucosAx_TrapperwndProc(_element, handle, true); WndProcVScroll.InstallHook(#WM_VSCROLL, 'scrlMessageV'); WndProcVScroll.setObject(this); this.setScrollable(); } //Here we set scrollable style for the window protected void setScrollable() { ; WinApi::showScrollbar(handle, #SB_BOTH, true); // pos pSize min max WinApi::setScrollInfo(handle, 0, 20, 0, 100, true, #SB_HORZ); WinApi::setScrollInfo(handle, 0, 20, 0, 100, true, #SB_VERT); cScrollInfoH = WinApi::getScrollInfo(handle, #SB_HORZ); xOffset = conpeek(cScrollInfoH, #pos); xScroll = conpeek(cScrollInfoH, #maxValue); xSize = conpeek(cScrollInfoH, #pageSize); cScrollInfoV = WinApi::getScrollInfo(handle, #SB_VERT); yOffset = conpeek(cScrollInfoV, #pos); yScroll = conpeek(cScrollInfoV, #maxValue); ySize = conpeek(cScrollInfoV, #pageSize); } //Here we scroll the window protected str translateHCode(int _nScrollCode) { int nScrollAmt ; str strCode; ; switch (_nScrollCode) { case #SB_BOTTOM: // Scrolls to the lower right. //nScrollAmt = pScroll->xScroll - pScroll->xOffset; nScrollAmt = xScroll - xOffset; strCode = 'SB_BOTTOM'; break; case #SB_ENDSCROLL: // Ends scroll. strCode = 'SB_ENDSCROLL'; break; case #SB_LINELEFT: // Scrolls left by one unit. nScrollAmt = -#xChar; strCode = 'SB_LINELEFT'; break; case #SB_LINERIGHT: // Scrolls right by one unit. nScrollAmt = #xChar; strCode = 'SB_LINERIGHT'; break; case #SB_PAGELEFT: // Scrolls left by the width of the window. //nScrollAmt = -pScroll->xSize; nScrollAmt = -xSize; strCode = 'SB_PAGELEFT'; break; case #SB_PAGERIGHT: // Scrolls right by the width of the window. //nScrollAmt = pScroll->xSize; nScrollAmt = xSize; strCode = 'SB_PAGERIGHT'; break; case #SB_THUMBPOSITION: // Scrolls to the absolute position. The current position is specified by the nPos parameter. //nScrollAmt = wScrollPos - pScroll->xOffset; nScrollAmt = -xSize; strCode = 'SB_THUMBPOSITION'; break; case #SB_THUMBTRACK: // Drags scroll box to the specified position. The current position is specified by the nPos parameter. strCode = 'SB_THUMBTRACK'; break; case #SB_TOP: // Scrolls to the upper left. //nScrollAmt = -pScroll->xOffset; nScrollAmt = -xOffset; strCode = 'SB_TOP'; break; default: //return int2HEX(_nScrollCode); nScrollAmt = _nScrollCode/0x10000 - xOffset; strCode = int2HEX(_nScrollCode); } if ((xOffset + nScrollAmt) > xScroll) nScrollAmt = xScroll - xOffset ; if ((xOffset + nScrollAmt) < 0) nScrollAmt = -xOffset ; // ScrollWindow( hWnd, -nScrollAmt, 0,) ; WinApi::scrollWindow(handle, -nScrollAmt, 0); xOffset+=nScrollAmt ; // SetScrollPos( hWnd, SB_HORZ, pScroll->xOffset, TRUE ) ; WinApi::setScrollPos(handle, #SB_HORZ, xOffset, true); WinApi::invalidateRect(handle); return strCode; } protected str translateVCode(int _nScrollCode) { int nScrollAmt ; str strCode; ; switch (_nScrollCode) { case #SB_BOTTOM: // Scrolls to the lower right. nScrollAmt = yScroll - yOffset;//nScrollAmt = pScroll->yScroll - pScroll->yOffset ; strCode = 'SB_BOTTOM'; break; case #SB_ENDSCROLL: // Ends scroll. return 'SB_ENDSCROLL'; break; case #SB_LINEDOWN: // Scrolls one line down. nScrollAmt = #yChar;//nScrollAmt = pScroll->yChar; strCode = 'SB_LINEDOWN'; break; case #SB_LINEUP: // Scrolls one line up. nScrollAmt = -#yChar;//nScrollAmt = -pScroll->yChar; strCode = 'SB_LINEUP'; break; case #SB_PAGEDOWN: // Scrolls one page down. nScrollAmt = ySize;//nScrollAmt = pScroll->ySize; strCode = 'SB_PAGEDOWN'; break; case #SB_PAGEUP: // Scrolls one page up. nScrollAmt = -ySize;//nScrollAmt = -pScroll->ySize; strCode = 'SB_PAGEUP'; break; case #SB_THUMBPOSITION: // Scrolls to the absolute position. The current position is specified by the nPos parameter. //nScrollAmt = wScrollPos - pScroll->yOffset; nScrollAmt = -ySize; strCode = 'SB_THUMBPOSITION'; break; case #SB_THUMBTRACK: // Drags scroll box to the specified position. The current position is specified by the nPos parameter. return 'SB_THUMBTRACK'; break; case #SB_TOP: // Scrolls to the upper left. nScrollAmt = -yOffset;// nScrollAmt = -pScroll->yOffset; strCode = 'SB_TOP'; break; default: nScrollAmt = _nScrollCode/0x10000 - yOffset; strCode = int2HEX(_nScrollCode); } if ((yOffset + nScrollAmt) > yScroll) nScrollAmt = yScroll - yOffset; if ((yOffset + nScrollAmt) < 0) nScrollAmt = -yOffset; WinApi::scrollWindow(handle, 0, -nScrollAmt); // pScroll->yOffset = pScroll->yOffset + nScrollAmt ; // SetScrollPos( hWnd, SB_VERT, pScroll->yOffset, TRUE ) ; yOffset+=nScrollAmt; WinApi::setScrollPos(handle, #SB_VERT, yOffset, true); WinApi::invalidateRect(handle); return strCode; } // Here we process scrolling messages protected void scrlMessageH() { map MMsgH; ; MMsgH = WndProcHScroll.GetMsg(); this.translateHCode(MMsgH.lookup('WPARAM')); } protected void scrlMessageV() { map MMsgV; ; MMsgV = WndProcVScroll.GetMsg(); this.translateVCode(MMsgV.lookup('WPARAM')); } // Here we finalize our class void finalize() { WndProcHScroll.RemoveMainProc(); WndProcVScroll.RemoveMainProc(); } // <-- End of xApplyScrolling class X++: class TrucosAx_TrapperWndProc extends TrucosAx_TrapperBase { #define.CodeSize(159) // Total bytes de codigo #define.InternalDataSize(16) #define.MaxDataelements(100) // Si se cambia se debe cambiar el codigo asm #Define.DataSize(16) // +16 bytes de buffer #Define.offsetcounter(#CodeSize + 4) #Define.offsetlastmsg(#CodeSize + 8) #Define.offsetCallwndproc(#CodeSize + 12) map hooks; #define.maxHooks(20) //si se cambia se debe cambiar el codigo asm Binary HooksBuffer; Object object;//Created by GRR } //Created by GRR void setObject(Object _object) { ; object = _object; } protected void processMessages() { map Mmsg; int msgId; void Ejecuta( str methodname ) { str func = @"void FireHook(object obj) { ; obj.%1(); }"; func = strfmt(func,methodname); //RunBuf(func, xelement); //Commented by GRR // Created by GRR --> if (object) RunBuf(func, object); else RunBuf(func, xelement); // Created by GRR <-- } ; do { MMsg = this.GetMsg(); if (! MMsg) continue; MsgId = MMsg.lookup('MSG'); if (hooks.exists(MsgId)) { Ejecuta(hooks.lookup(MsgId)); // Si se queda el mensaje debe devolver algo en 'RESULT' en el MMSG if ( ! MMsg.exists('RESULT')) this.CallbackOriginalProc(MMsg); } } while (MMsg && this.nextmessage()); } X++: public void run() { super(); applyScrolling = new xApplyScrolling(element, element.control(control::HRMPersonal)); } // don't forget to finalize ApplyScrolling class public void close() { applyScrolling.finalize(); super(); } // and declare applyScrolling variable in ClassDeclaration xApplyScrolling applyScrolling; Источник: http://rusgon.blogspot.com/2008/03/s...thout-dll.html
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