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Старый 14.08.2008, 19:08   #1  
arnold is offline
30 / 11 (1) +
Регистрация: 27.04.2005
EP 2009 axGridView error after line selection
Hello everyone.

1. I create axGridView and set AllowDelete = true and AllowEdit = true.
2. Than go to IE and select row in this gridView.
3. I've got an error "Unable to render content due to an error. Please contact your system administrator" from sharePoint.

If AllowDelete = false and AllowEdit = false, than it works OK.

What can be the problem ?
Старый 18.08.2008, 10:46   #2  
axy is offline
8 / 11 (1) +
Регистрация: 22.03.2006
Адрес: Kiev
Did you refreshed AOD after changing properties on grid ?
Path is Tools -> Dev.Tools -> Application objects -> Refresh AOD. This command flushes your cashed application object information.
Старый 19.08.2008, 22:19   #3  
arnold is offline
30 / 11 (1) +
Регистрация: 27.04.2005
Thanks for the answer buddy.

But the real problem was in DataKeyNames property. I didn't specify one of the fields for the record to be uniquely identified, also it stated clearly in the Help.

More over the problem appears to be much complex with 3 joined data sources on the same user control. 3rd gridView should be placed within the ax form control otherwise selection of the line will cause disappearing of the grid without errors. I cannot manage to make the lines editable (grid is disappearing) but at least I can select and delete lines.
If somebody managed to make 3 level grid join editable on the 3rd level please respond.


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