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Старый 04.12.2009, 02:05   #1  
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emeadaxsupport: Workflow error messages “Invalid message sequence”

We often get following error messages concerning workflow:

Dynamics Adapter CallStaticClassMethod failed.
SysWorkflowEventService-onAcknowledgeWorkItem Invalid message sequence - missing Activation message.
at Microsoft.Dynamics.BusinessConnectorNet.Axapta.CallStaticClassMethod(String className, String methodName, Object[] paramList)
at Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.BusinessConnector.Session.DynamicsAdapter.CallStaticClassMethod(String className, String methodName, Object param1, Object param2)
When these occur, none of the workflow items are processed anymore. In Basic –> Inquiries –> Workflow history you can see that all workflow items has status “Pending”

Usually error SysWorkflowEventService-onAcknowledgeWorkItem Invalid message sequence - missing Activation message can mean two problems:

1. Business Connector connect to different AOS.

2. In Workflow configuration you did not create messages in user language.

To resolve first problem:
1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Configuration

2. Change “configuration target” to “Business Connector (non-interactive use only)”

3. Check on connection tab if there is correct AOS mentioned

By default Workflow during connection to AOS is using active Dynamics AX BC.NET configuration.

To be able to set up different configuration in web.config you need to apply kernel hotfix and follow instruction given in KB 960801:

If you have hotfix KB 960801 installed and BC.NET still is connecting to wrong AOS please double check in GAC (usually C:\windows\assembly) if library Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.BusinessConnector.dll and the Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Communications.dll has version higher than 5.0.1500.144 for DAX 2009 SP1 and 5.0.593.262 for DAX 2009 RTM

To resolve second problem make sure that you have instructions set up in user language in workflow configuration

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