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Старый 13.04.2011, 03:24   #1  
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East Ocean - Technical: Duplicate UUID issue with vhd images [VirtualBox]
Источник: http://eastoceantechnical.blogspot.c...hd-images.html

The latest CRM2011 required 64bits environment, with my Window 7 laptop, the alternate method is the use the Virtual Box.
Face a common issue after I tried to copy an image to from hard disk and boot with another machine. Keep on prompting me "Duplicate UUID issue with vhd images". If you guys face the same problem as me, try to look for your VBoxManage.exe file location.
then type in command prompt:
VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid J:\VPC\yourvhdname.vhd

It will generate a new id for that vhd, thus problem solved!

Источник: http://eastoceantechnical.blogspot.c...hd-images.html
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