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Старый 03.09.2012, 08:11   #1  
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daxmusings: New release of AX TFS Build Library Beta (v0.2.0.0)

I'm glad to (finally) announce a major update to the TFS Build Library on CodePlex. Besides some fixes and additions, the major feature/issue resolution everyone was waiting for is included: Visual Studio Projects import. There are multiple ways to accomplish this, but we found this is the only way (autorun.xml) that seems to work with a variety of different VS projects. I've talked about that before in this article.

Note that there is one refactor that will break any workflows you may have in use! Please see the release notes below. If you are using the template that was provided in the previous release, just replace with the new sample template and you'll be good to go.

Get the latest release here.

Release notes:

There is one refactor of code that will break your existing workflows.
The AOS workflow step to stop/start AOS now expects the actual windows service name, not the port number of the AOS. There now is a new step to retrieve server settings, which can get the service identifier based on the port number. The registry has to be read to retrieve these settings, and we didn't want to keep that code in multiple places.
The sample workflow file provided in this release fixes this issue, so if you use the sample you will be ok.

This release addresses several major issues that arose from using the library on daily basis.
Among the fixes (not limited to):
- Missing label folder resulted in error
- Labels did not always show up correctly (AOS issue where label files on AOS bin need to be deleted)
- Visual Studio Projects could not be imported
- Split system classes in separate import at the very end to avoid system stability issues

Also some new features:
- Allow overwrite of manifest description (not used in sample 2012 workflow file)
- Allow install of dependent models (not used in sample 2012 workflow file)

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Последний раз редактировалось Poleax; 03.09.2012 в 12:08.

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