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dynamicscpm: Management Reporter Web Viewer as default - Management Reporter RU5

We’ve gotten a lot of great feedback about the web viewer since releasing it back in RU3. In order for all users to benefit from the great features in the web viewer, it’s been made the default viewer for Management Reporter in RU5.

If you need to view a report in the desktop viewer, you can still do that as well a couple of different ways. You can open the desktop viewer and browse to the report you want to view or you can download the report from within the web viewer.

For a refresher on the web viewer, check out the frequently asked questions post and video below.

(Please visit the site to view this video)

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dynamicscpm: Management Reporter web viewer Q&A – Management Reporter RU3 release preview Blog bot DAX Blogs 0 25.10.2012 06:12

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