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Старый 23.05.2014, 19:11   #1  
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atinkerersnotebook: Create Filtered Alerts To Sniff Out The Data You Really Want

Originally posted on Dynamics AX Tip Of The Day:

Alerts are a great feature within Dynamics AX because they allow you to watch any information that you are interested in and then get alerts when the information is changed or updated. This is great for when you need status updates but are too busy (or lazy) to go into the list pages and look for yourself. But alerts are a double edged sword. If you are not careful you can end up spamming yourself. Having too much information being sent to you is just as bad as none at all. Luckily you can fine tune your alerts and notifications down from the shotgun approach to just the information that you are interested in.

It’s like having your very own truffle sniffing pig, except it’s not a pig and it sniffs out data, so really nothing like a truffle sniffing pig…

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