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Старый 07.10.2014, 03:41   #1  
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lcs: October release notes

The Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services team is happy to announce the immediate availability of the October release of Lifecycle Services.


  • In Business process modeler, you can now:
    • Search for business processes and artifacts
    • Reorder tasks in hierarchies
  • The Configuration manager tool has been released in beta. It allows you to:
    • Save configurations, and store them locally or in the cloud
    • Copy a configuration from one system to another
  • The Customization analysis service has an improved report that provides a heat map for
    • Estimated performance impact
    • Estimated functional impact
    • Rule reliability
    • Estimated effort to fix an issue
  • The Upgrade analysis tool now includes an impact analysis heat map
  • We have provided more informative and actionable error messages to handle common scenarios that users may encounter when signing in to Lifecycle Services, such as expired services plans.

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Старый 10.10.2014, 22:58   #2  
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We have provided more informative and actionable error messages to handle common scenarios that users may encounter when signing in to Lifecycle Services, such as expired services plans
а у меня пару дней была печаль, как раз хотел виртуалку новую сделать.

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