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Старый 15.12.2014, 11:11   #1  
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goshoom: Objects ignored by Code Upgrade Tool

When testing my new rule for code upgrade tool, I found that certain objects are skipped and rules are not checked for them. That makes the tool significantly less useful, because you can’t be sure that it found everything.

This blog post explains why it happens, but unfortunately doesn’t provide any reasonable workaround, except making the problem more visible. You should be simply aware of it until Microsoft provides a fix. (Please let me know if there already is a fix that I missed.)

I created a rule to check for a certain code pattern and I added the pattern to a few objects for testing. Although the rule seemed to work, some objects were not included (SalesLine table, for instance). Soon I discovered that it happened due to an exception thrown when checking rules for these objects. You can see the exception in the debugger, but it’s not displayed anywhere in the UI, unless you make the following one-lin change in SysUpgradeRuleRunner.processUtilElement():
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