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emeadaxsupport: Project Management and Service Industries Hotfixes Released in January 2015

In this blog series I will be posting the hotfixes released for the Project Management and Accounting, as well as the Service Industries modules for Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and Dynamics AX 2012 R3 twice each month. I would like to raise visibility for customers and partners to see what's been updated and changed, as there are many fixes that change and improve existing functionality. It will also give you a chance to be proactive if any of these appear to be something you might encounter in the future.

I will break these hotfixes down between the two releases. Keep in mind that a hotfix is first released on the build that the issue or design change is reported for. If you see a hotfix that exists in a different release, search for the fix in Lifecycle Services to see if it exists for your build. If the hotfix does not exist in Lifecycle Services for your version, there's a strong chance that it is in the works of being developed for your build of AX. In that scenario, the recommendation would be to submit a new support request so we can track the need for the hotfix.

If you see a hotfix that you would like to download and test, please log into Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services ( to review code changes, search for related issues, and download the hotfix for testing. If you are unfamiliar with Lifecycle Services, review the following blog for instructions on using Lifecycle Services to download a hotfix:

If you have any questions about these fixes that cannot be answered by Lifecycle Services, please activate a new support request so our Project Engineers can assist you.

Watch for these posts twice each month, and I look forward to any suggestions and feedback!

Tyler Lewin
Senior Support Engineer
Microsoft Dynamics AX

Dynamics AX 2012 R2

KB 3029593 - After installing KB 3029593, the "Project quotation confirmation" report displays "There is not data available." This will correct the report.

KB 3029627 - If we have a sales price defined on the project contract, this KB will ensure timesheets default in the sales price from the contract, instead of showing 0.00.

KB 3030409 - Project indirect costs transactions will now post with an activity number.

KB 3029581 - This will prevent users from sending an already sent project quotation by disabling the "Generate quotation" button.

KB 3032337 - Vendor credit notes registered in an invoice register journal and then posted in Approval journal to a project will now have quantities in the correct negative sign on the invoice approval journal and project transactions.

KB 3032587 - The "Committed amount" in the "Funding limit" fast tab of the project contract will no longer be updated on unposted free-text invoices.

KB 3031508 - When editing the hours on a timesheet, the sales price was getting updated instead of retaining the sales price defined on the project. With this fix, the sales price will remain the same when editing the timesheet lines.

KB 3031855- This hotfix corrects an issue with purchase orders with projects associated. If we correct a receipt, invoice that quantity, receive and invoice the remainder, the item transactions on the item do not have cost amounts for the second invoice.

KB 3031508 - If an expense transaction type is used in fixed-price project revenue budgeting, the amount will now be displayed in the project statement's budget revenue field.

KB 3019929 - This hotfix will prevent funding limit errors when posting a vendor invoice on a PO that matches the funding limit and has gone through the purchase order year end process.

KB 3030406 - The total cost amount of project transactions is now correct when part of tax receivable is non-deductible.

KB 3033503 - After installing this fix, you will no longer receive the error "Revenue could not be allocated. Verify that funding rules have been set up to allocate the revenue." error when adjusting an item transaction on an investment project.

KB 3260258 - When using a timesheet line level workflow and the approver clicks "Return" and cancels the form, this allows the approver to approve without a workflow stopped error stating "Returned status cannot be changed to Approved status".

KB 3034659 - This hotfix will ensure purchase requisition form budget checking functionality works properly for project related purchase requisitions, where before it would give a budget exceeded error.

KB 3036193 - When using an alternative project budget for a child project, this hotfix will prevent the user from receiving a error when trying to post invoice for purchase order, where before it would give a budget exceeded error.

Dynamics AX 2012 R3

KB 3030060 - This hotfix will correct an issue with customer advances that are split still showing as able to be reconciled when they've been settled.

KB 3030407 - After this hotfix the cost price from beginning balance journal expense entries will be reflected in the "Posted project transactions" list page.

KB 3034049 - Project date is now considered while adjusting timesheet transactions that are in a previous closed period when using option to post to closed periods.

KB 3030059 - When the intercompany expense report is posted with Project Contract currency, the system would update the sales price the exchange difference.

KB 3031059- This hotfix will prevent elimination posting from throwing the error "No account number exists for account type Accrued revenue - sales value for project xxxxx."

KB 3033201 - After installing this KB, resources with expired certifications can no longer be scheduled in projects.

KB 3035213 - This will ensure that an item requirement created from a request for quotation contains the same quantity as the purchase order and request for quotation.

KB 3034406 - This hotfix will prevent the error "Tax direction must be specified on ledger account" when posting a project invoice proposal.

KB 3031637 - This fix will make AX only show valid activities on intercompany timesheets.

Previous hotfix blog:

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