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Старый 26.06.2011, 19:50   #1  
vgvozdev is offline
8 / 10 (1) +
Регистрация: 08.12.2008
Responsible for the design, development and implementation of change and enhancements in the Dynamics NAV platform as assigned.

  • Participate in Design/Analysis Activities with Project Manager, Consultant, Client
  • Develop modifications based on provided specifications
  • Test and document code that has been developed
  • Design, development, testing and deployment of documentation
  • Follow all document design and coding standards
  • Provide software support for users

Education and Experience:
  • Bachelors in Information Systems or related field required
  • Minimum of 5 years experience in software development, preferably in Dynamics NAV
  • Experience with ERP or CRM
  • Experience in working as part of Project Team

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
  • Knowledge of Dynamics NAV
  • Knowledge of ERP systems and databases
  • Good English written and communication skills and ability to write effective user manuals
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Ability to resolve problems in a positive manner
  • Knowledge or Certifications in CMMI, ITIL, PMBOK, CPIM

Please, send resume in English to or apply online at:

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