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atinkerersnotebook: Project Collaboration Using Dynamics ERP and Office 365

Dynamics ERP is great by itself as a transactional system, but when you incorporate all of the other services that are available through Office 365, it becomes even more powerful.

In this worked example we will show a quick scenario to illustrate this where the users can collaborate using these tools, and show how a Project Administrator is able to quickly find out information about a questionable project that just landed within their workspace.

How it works…

The project administrator logs into their Project Management workspace to review all of the active projects and notices a new project that has been added that piques their interest.

They open up the project details to find out a little more information on the project.

Drilling into the Project Work Breakdown Structure, they have a couple of concerns regarding the project plan.

They return back to the project and see that a Project Manager has been assigned, and they open up the contact card and see that the Project Manager is online via Skype through the Presence indicator.

The project administrator starts a Skype conversation with the Project Manager.

The Project Manager is currently online within Office 365 and gets a notification that the Project Administrator is wanting to talk to them, and accepts the conversation.

Through Office 365 they are able to use Skype online without having to open up a Skype client.

The Project Manager drops the Project Administrator a quick note describing the project objectives and the status of the project.

The Project Administrator confirms that the project is a go through Skype.

The Project Manager adds a quick note to tell the Project Administrator that there are also more details on the project within the SharePoint Collaboration Workspace where they are storing more information about the project.

The Project Administrator clicks on the Collaboration Workspace link within the Project details.

They open up the Project Collaboration workspace and see that there are some additional documents that have been saved away within SharePoint.

This allows them to see more information about the project.

Everything looks pretty well planned out.


How cool is that.

More Information

If you want to see the scenario, I posted it here on docs:

About the Author

Murray Fife is an Author of over 25 books on Microsoft Dynamics AX including the Bare Bones Configuration Guide series of over 15 books which step the user through the setup of initial Dynamics AX instance, then through the Financial modules and then through the configuration of the more specialized modules like production, service management, and project accounting. You can find all of his books on Amazon at

Murray is also the curator of the Dynamics AX Companions ( site which he built from the ground up as a resource for all of the Dynamics AX community where you can find walkthroughs and blueprints that he created since first being introduced to the Dynamics AX product.

Throughout his 25+ years of experience in the software industry he has worked in many different roles during his career, including as a developer, an implementation consultant, a trainer and a demo guy within the partner channel which gives him a great understanding of the requirements for both customers and partner’s perspective.

For more information on Murray, here is his contact information:

Twitter: @murrayfife




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