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Старый 09.02.2017, 16:11   #1  
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organicax: cXML Purchase Order Request Send AX2012 R3 V1

Working with a number of customers using both punchOut and having a need to send purchase orders I’m sharing some sample code that you can leverage to add automation to your AX2012 environment for sending purchase orders to suppliers. I’ve released a follow-up to the cXML PunchOut Protocol Handler for AX2012 R3 with the addition of a purchase order sending capability.

You can find the sample code here

If you are working in procurement and have a lot of employees doing purchasing then adding automation to the flow of finding products to getting the purchase order to the supplier can be critical to controlling spend. Sending the purchase order to suppliers often can involve manual tasks for both you and the supplier if purchase orders are emailed, faxed, mailed etc. With a little bit of work you can add an electronic way to send the orders. cXML provides a good mechanism to do this and is supported by a good number of suppliers.

The following notes are to help you get up and running if you want to explore this.

cXML Purchase Request Send – Download and setup notes.

cXML PunchOut to Purchase Order Send overview.

cXML Purchase Send – Order Confirmation cycle

cXML Purchase Send – Parameters

cXML Purchase Send – Vendor Setup

cXML Purchase Send – Batch Job

cXML Purchase Send – Stop and re-submit

cXML Purchase Send – Generate cXML

cXML Purchase Send – Purge

cXML Purchase Send – Reviewing Data Errors



Filed under: Procurement and sourcing

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