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Старый 11.04.2018, 03:42   #1  
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jaestevan: Embrace the extensions mindset with Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

A couple of weeks ago, we launched the last platform update 10 (August 2017) for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise Edition and, as in almost every release, there were changes regarding the Application Extensibility Plans.

A lot of effort is being invested in the journey to a non-intrusive way to extend the application, and it needs to be understood as a critical change in the way we think about customizations. More information about future plans can be found in the Dynamics Roadmap (Filter – Application: Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations; Area: Extensibility).

But sometimes it’s hard to change our mindset just by looking at these out-of-context upgrade notes, so I want to show how we can leverage some of the latest improvements to the X++ platform by looking at some real-life examples.

Keep in mind the basic principle: we want to avoid intrusive changes.

Scenario 1: Create a number sequence in a standard module

This is a common scenario and the good news is that it has barely changed from Dynamics AX 2012. In our example, we will add a new number sequence to the Accounts Receivables module (Customers) to provide new values for the custom MSVRMInsuranceProviderId EDT. To accomplish that, we need to make some small changes (plenty of examples of AX 2012 code available out there):

Read the full article at “Dynamics AX in the Field”, the blog from the Premier Field Engineering team at Microsoft.

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