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Старый 02.07.2008, 00:07   #1  
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axcoder: How to hide Content Pane in Ax 2009

Here is a small job, which hides content pane in Dynamics Ax 2009. Content pane can be useful for end users, but when you develop something in can be irritating to see it oon top of all windows every time you click on menu item. So here is a small solution. I plan to add this feature to the future Tabax for Ax 2009

static void TEST_HideContentFrame(Args _args)
    HWND contentPane =  WinApi::findWindowEx(
          WinAPI::findWindowEx(infolog.hWnd(), 0, 'MDIClient', ''), 
    if (contentPane)
        WinApi::ShowWindow(contentPane, #SW_HIDE);

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